Tuesday, September 13, 2016

On This Day 14-September-2016 Wednesday

Subject: On This Day 14-September-2016 Wednesday
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  • georgepalaganas
  • (756 posts)
Missing Facebook Posts for September 14 on the following year;   2011(5 years ago) and 2009(7 years ago).
Posts on these mentioned days must be matrixed with the Timeline/Timelines UNFAVORABLE with my current Timeline.
CURRENT Timeline Threads for “ON THIS DAY” POSTS  September 14 are  the  years   2015, 2014, 2013,2012  and 2010 ONLY !
George Palaganas
George Palaganas
George Palaganas https://apps.facebook.com/mycountryonline/?hc_location=ufi
Develop your city, transport networks and industry. A game at a whole new scale!
George Palaganas
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Mon, Sep 14, 2015
https://doctorgeorgep.wordpress.com/…/on-this-day-14-septe…/ #OnThisDayinFacebookPOSTSHistory #ONTHISDAY #September14 #Year2015 #HillaryClintonForPresident2016 #GeorgePalaganas #AutoVoicePosting #Phone0017135749075 #AudioBLOGCODE5114147
#BloggingSiteRepository You can now send messages to this blog site automatically by dialing +17135749075 and using the blog code 5114147. After you hang-up, the voice message will automatically post to this wordpress blog site. O, ano pa ang hinihintay nyo? Tawag na!
#CoolForSenator2016 #PhilippineWelfareBill #BabyBill #Taxation #PhilippinePrivacyACT #HillaryClintonforPresident2016 #GeorgePalaganasforSENATOR2016 #COOLsBILLs #GeorgePalag...
Shaun Conway
#CoolForSenator2022 #CoolForSenator2016 #ScrapDonations #September14 #Year2015 #AnnapolisSt #QuezonCity Thanks for the good-hearted woman at #30 Annapolis St Barangay Rodriguez Quezon City. She handed me 14 kgs. of old newspapers and 2 kg of plasticware!
Stock photo ✓ 14 M images ✓ High quality images for web & print | Old newspapers and magazines in a pile
George Palaganas
https://onthisdayinfacebookposthistory.wordpress.com/…/aud…/ #AUTOBLOG #Wordpress #ONTHISDAY #LieutenantCommanderData #HillaryClintonforPresident2016 #GeorgePalaganas #AUDIOPost #Phone0017135749075 #AudioBlogCODE6620184 This is my first AUDIO BLOG by calling +17135749075 and using Blog CODE 6620184 . You can post your message for me or for my blog readers by dialing the number and using the blog code yourself. Try it today!
Visit the post for more.
Shaun Conway
Pictures of Family Members from first generations to fifth generations (late 1800's to 2010)
George Palaganas's photo.
George Palaganas's photo.
Jinky Antonis
Jinky Antonis thanks tito george
George Palaganas
George Palaganas Condolences to the bereaved family of Jerry Lamorena.(this is for trending purpose only. I remember Mrs. Jean Peña is talking about this already sometime back before the turn of the new millennium). It has to be verified further. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4306621790233&set=a.1162990481415.2026722.1427450153&type=3&theater
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George Palaganas
George Palaganas #June #Year2014 #GROUPSandLISTS #GroupPAGE #CommentsandPostings https://www.facebook.com/groups/370469913001627/ Welcome to the month of June, Year 2014! It’s good to see you all guys here again. The month of MAY GROUP page is at https://www.facebook.com/groups/257555154342418/ I hope we will all have another fruitful month of sharing and posting.
George Palaganas
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#OnThisDayinFacebookPOSTSHistory #ONTHISDAY #September14 #Year2015 #HillaryClintonForPresident2016 #GeorgePalaganas #FOURYEARsaGOTODAY #TWOYEARSaGOTODAY #ThreeYEARsaGOTODAY...
Sun, Sep 14, 2014
George Palaganas added a new photo to the album: PhoneCallsandFax.
Image may contain: 5 people
George Palaganas
George Palaganas Remember that Shecill was already a winner of a similar pageant sometime back in DECADE ONE(2001- 2010) which was also held at AFP Theater Camp Aguinaldo. I just can not exactly recall if the title is also Miss Quezon City, Mutya Ng Quezon or Miss AFP. Wala na bang alam ang AFP na gawing muse kundi si Shecill? LOL! Anyway, Congratulations, Shecill for winning the title Miss Quezon City Diamond Jubilee! #MissQuezonCity #MutyaNgQuezon #MissAFP #MissQuezonCityDiamondJubilee #Year2014 #September13 #ShecillBagaporo
George Palaganas
George Palaganas
George Palaganas
George Palaganas
George Palaganas Hindi nga rin maganda itong mga malulungkot na kantang ito sa pageant night, dapat mga danceable tunes na gaya ng LET IT GO! from Disney's FROZEN, di ba? Anyway, pang smooth night listening na lang ito. https://www.youtube.com/playlist...
George Palaganas
George Palaganas
George Palaganas Remember that Shecill was already a winner of a similar pageant sometime back in DECADE ONE(2001- 2010) which was also held at AFP Theater Camp Aguinaldo. I just can not exactly recall if the title is also Miss Quezon City, Mutya Ng Quezon or Miss AFP. Wala na bang alam ang AFP na gawing muse kundi si Shecill? LOL! Anyway, Congratulations, Shecill for winning the title Miss Quezon City Diamond Jubilee! #MissQuezonCity #MutyaNgQuezon #MissAFP #MissQuezonCityDiamondJubilee #Year2014 #September13 #ShecillBagaporo
George Palaganas
#Year2014 #September14 #Eleven45am #SUNDAY #GiftGIVING #Groceries #PlateNumberXNZ921 #BlackCAMRY #BarangayWESTKAMIAS #KHStreet Thanks to an adorable young lady handing me a loads of grocery stuff at about lunch time today while I was classifying scrap for submission to the junk shop. Thanks again! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10202998547271115&set=a.10200687367933076.1073741829.1427450153&type=3&permPage=1
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George Palaganas
George Palaganas Here is the breakdown of the items!
White KING Champ-O-Rado - 113 gms - 1 pc.
SUNFLOWER Crackers - 20 gms - 5 pcs.
ENERGEN Cereal Drink - 30 gms - 2 sachets
ALASKA Powdered Milk - 33 gms - 1 sachet
Australia Harvest
Quick Cooking OATS - 250 gms - 1 pouch
ZEST-O Orange Juice - 200 ml - 1 pouch
PUREGOLD Equal Brown Sugar - 250 gms - 1 pack
Argentina Corned Beef - 150 gms - 1 can
Argentina Meat Loaf - 170 gms - 1 can
San Marino Corned Tuna - 150 gms - 1 can
RICE - 1 kg. - 1 pack
George Palaganas
George Palaganas #LatestBLOG #WORDPRESS My latest blog at WORDPRESS! http://doctorgeorgep.wordpress.com/.../thank-you-and-the.../
‪#‎Year2014‬ ‪#‎September14‬ ‪#‎Eleven45am‬ ‪#‎SUNDAY‬ ‪#‎GiftGIVING‬ ‪#‎Groceries‬ ‪#‎PlateNumberXNZ921‬…
George Palaganas
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#OneHourofGoodMusic #ALLTagalogSONGS #BESTofFemaleArtists #Year2014 #September14 Try this repertoire of YOUTUBE ALL TAGALOG SONGS, best of FEMALE artists! https://www.youtube.com/playlist…
The best of Immortal Tagalog Songs rendered by Philippine TOP of the LINE Artists; KUH LEDESMA, GENEVA CRUZ, ISABEL GRANADA, JOEY…
Sat, Sep 14, 2013
#TungNguyen #SheldonMayAssociates #NewYork #Fax5167633243 #SELLERSAddendum #NYSContractOfSale #Year2013 #September14 #HUBZUWinningBid #HUBZUBidIDNoB_1920306330019 HUBZU.COM Winning BID Price for this Home is $130,000.00 approx. -the same FORECLOSURE Assessed Value last SOLD 28-June-2013 for $299,422. After three months, it was FORECLOSED by OCWEN to $130,000.00 Is 3 months of non-payment of mortgage forecloses a property? The Address is 35 John Street Roosevelt , NY 11575 Rent for this home at ZILLOW is estimated at $2,471/mo and mortgage is $1,210/mo . ZILLOW Assess this property at $223,107. Isn't that a steal to get it at $130,000.00 approx. There is no current tenant since the door is padlocked with that FORECLOSED sign on the window. If I can CLOSE the purchase for this, can you find me a TENANT? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10200827444874912&set=a.10200687367933076.1073741829.1427450153&type=1&theater
No automatic alt text available.
George Palaganas
George Palaganas
George Palaganas #TungNGUYEN #Fax5167633243 #CLOSINGSALE #Year2013 #September17 #GheevergheseBenieKolady #GeorgePalaganas #HUBZUPropertyID00070616411 #AltiSOURCEPopertyID000716164118 I can determine by 17-Sep-2013 if there is a successful CLOSING of SALE for this property or the offer will be DECLINED. :-)
George Palaganas
George Palaganas
George Palaganas Fax Sent 17 Sep, 2013, 12:09 am
Control Number 0917-000923
Recipient Tung Nguyen
Fax Number Sent To USA Canada +(1)-5167633243
Your Name George Palaganas
Phone/Email 2063399327
Priority/Action |Urgent X|Review |Call Me |Handle |
Subject Sent to Steven Orlow
Text Message
Fax Sent 17 Sep, 2013, 12:05 am
Control Number 0917-000518
Recipient Steven Orlow
Fax Number Sent To USA Canada +(1)-7185446485
Your Name George Palaganas
Phone/Email 2063399327
Priority/Action |Urgent X|Review |Call Me |Handle |
Subject Legal Information on Purchase Agreement
Text Message
Hi Steven! I need you in filing for a property in New York with the following details;
1. Property ID No.(HUBZU.COM): 00070616411
2. Property ID No.(AltiSOURCE): 000716164118
3. Date of Winning HUBZU BID: 9/12/13
4. Property Address: 35 John St Roosevelt, NY 11575
5. Property BUYER: George Palaganas Fax: (206)339-9327
BUYER's HUBZU BID ID No. : B_1920306330019
BUYER's International TAX ID No : 915-288-133-000
6.. Property SELLER: OCWEN Loan Servicing, LLC Fax: (561)682-8177
Seller Property Id. No : 000706164118
Seller Tax Id. No : 00855423 00820
7. SELLER's Representative to SELL : AltiSOURCE
AltiSOURCE Coordinator: Gheeverghese Benie Kolady Fax: (770)383-4330
8. Broker for Property: REALHome Services and Solutions, Inc.(RHSS,Inc)
RHSS,Inc Licensed BROKER: Michael Rodriguez Fax: (407)737-5531
9. CLOSING AGENT: Sheldon May & Associates
Sheldon May &Associates Lawyer: Tung Nguyen/Adam Luckner Fax:(516)763–3243
10. BUYER's REALTOR: Abby Avery www.zbuyer.com Fax:(417)833-5300
11. Mode of PAYMENT: Bank of America Account NO.?????????386 Check No. 87??? Phone: (713)296-7836
Bank EQUITY LOAN(3 months processing)
12. Property TOTAL Amount for this SALE including TITLES and DEEDS: $130,709.00
13. OFFER is GOOD UNTIL: 17-Sep-2013(with extension/see SELLER's ADDENDUM)
14. Lawyer for BUYER: Steven Orlow Fax: (718)544-6485
Background: The property was FORECLOSED and debited as OCWEN Property after foreclosure. The
authorized SELLER AltiSOURCE, put it on AUCTION at www.hubzu.com starting with the BID price
$90,000.00 and ended with me winning bid at $126,000.00 . The property is assessed with a value of $299,422
since owned by OCWEN.
The CLOSING Agent TUNG NGUYEN, will be affixing your legal information for this sale. I need you to Confirm.
George Palaganas
17185446485 31 lines | 2154 characters
459 time
15167633243 44 lines | 2457 characters
112 time

Sell your home fast! Get connected with our network of investors and buyers who are anxious to make a fast…
George Palaganas
George Palaganas -----Original Message-----
From: George Palaganas
To: sfarnsworth
Sent: Wed, Sep 18, 2013 1:55 pm
Subject: Mortgage PRE-CALCULATIONS
Hi Sharon! I am still in the process of acquiring the property at 35 John St Roosevelt, NY . Anyway, here are the computed mortgage on
the property from ZILLOW and HUBZU. If you can service it on the following computations, I will be glad to employ your service with your bank and if you have your own computations, please share so I can study if I can ammend to it. The title and deeds are still on the way and since I did not receive a DECLINED note from the CLOSING AGENT Tung NGUYEN on the date of OFFER EXPIRATION(17-Sep-2013), our CONTRACT to SELL and PURCHASE is still VALID until they send me a communication leaning on OTHERWISE.
George Palaganas
-------------Property Details---------------------
MLS #: 2606794
HUBZU Property ID No. 00070616411
AltiSOURCE Property ID No. 000716164118
Property Address: 35 John St Roosevelt, NY 11575
Lot Size: 7349 sqft
House Size: 1288 sqft
Current Assessed Value: $218,854 Value Since Last SALE: Jun 2013 for $299,422
Current Mortgage: $1,200/mo
Current Rent: $2,460/mo
With Current TENANTS? : none
----------------Your Computations Here --------------------
Current Assessed Value: ______________
Lot Size: 7349 sqft
House Size: 1288 sqft
Amount of Mortgage LOAN Kansas City Can Accomodate(Payable in ____ Years): ____________
Mortgage Payment: ______________
Once the TITLES and DEEDS are transferred into my name, it will be mortgaged for a LOAN with National Bank of Kansas City. Below is the CLOSING SALE details in the process of filing with NYS by the closing agent TUNG NGUYEN for Sheldon May and Associates :
Hi Steven! I need you in filing for a property in New York with the following details;
1. Property ID No.(HUBZU.COM): 00070616411
2. Property ID No.(AltiSOURCE): 000716164118
3. Date of Winning HUBZU BID: 9/12/13
4. Property Address: 35 John St Roosevelt, NY 11575
5. Property BUYER: George Palaganas Fax: (206)339-9327
BUYER's HUBZU BID ID No. : B_1920306330019
BUYER's International TAX ID No : 915-288-133-000
6.. Property SELLER: OCWEN Loan Servicing, LLC Fax: (561)682-8177
Seller Property Id. No : 000706164118
Seller Tax Id. No : 00855423 00820
7. SELLER's Representative to SELL : AltiSOURCE
AltiSOURCE Coordinator: Gheeverghese Benie Kolady Fax: (770)383-4330
8. Broker for Property: REALHome Services and Solutions, Inc.(RHSS,Inc)
RHSS,Inc Licensed BROKER: Michael Rodriguez Fax: (407)737-5531
9. CLOSING AGENT: Sheldon May & Associates
Sheldon May &Associates Lawyer: Tung Nguyen/Adam Luckner Fax:(516)763–3243
10. BUYER's REALTOR: Abby Avery www.zbuyer.com Fax:(417)833-5300
11. Mode of PAYMENT: Bank of America Account NO.????????6386 Check No. 87??? Phone: (713)296-7836
Bank EQUITY LOAN(3 months processing)
12. Property TOTAL Amount for this SALE including TITLES and DEEDS: $130,709.00
13. OFFER is GOOD UNTIL: 17-Sep-2013(with extension/see SELLER's ADDENDUM)
14. Lawyer for BUYER: Steven Orlow Fax: (718)544-6485
Background: The property was FORECLOSED and debited as OCWEN Property after foreclosure. The
authorized SELLER AltiSOURCE, put it on AUCTION at www.hubzu.com starting with the BID price
$90,000.00 and ended with me winning bid at $126,000.00 . The property is assessed with a value of $299,422
since owned by OCWEN.
The CLOSING Agent TUNG NGUYEN, will be affixing your legal information for this sale. I need you to Confirm.
-----Original Message-----
From: Sharon Farnsworth
To: George Palaganas
Sent: Wed, Sep 18, 2013 8:42 am
Subject: Touching base on your application

This message sent to you by National Bank Of Kansas City.
National Bank Of Kansas City, Mortgage Division
I've been unable to reach you regarding your mortgage loan application. I'm ready to discuss mortgage loan options with you when you are ready to move forward with the purchase of your new home. It's been almost a week since you received my initial quote. Once we discuss the specifics of your new home purchase, I can prepare a customized quote for you.
If you're interested in learning about our financing options, let's touch base soon. I provide guaranteed locked interested rates and no hidden fees.
Sharon Farnsworth
Your Personal Loan Consultant
NMLS# 215510
Toll-Free: 800-375-8096 FREE ext. 6462
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Sell your home fast! Get connected with our network of investors and buyers who are anxious to make a fast…
George Palaganas
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George Palaganas
George Palaganas
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Fri, Sep 14, 2012
You became friends on Facebook with 4 people.
Wed, Sep 14, 2011
Support the William J.Clinton Foundation. get your tickets to the A DECADE OF DIFFERENCE Concert and watch it live at Yahoo! :-)
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2121574565418&set=a.2121479363038.2113162.1427450153&type=1&theater Reminiscent of Whoopi Goldberg's winning lines in the movie,THE COLOR PURPLE, Leila Lopes' answer to the Miss Universe 2011 final question was "unbeatable". A great proponent of "natural beauty", she said, 'I'm very satisfied with the way God created me and I wouldn't change a thing,' :-)
Image may contain: 1 person , text
From Fhanny Jose Morillo:
Fhanny Jose Morillo likes this photo.
From the album: 9/11 The Tragedy
Like · · View the Photo · 16 hours ago via Friends Photos & Albums http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001621622336
George Palaganas added 17 new photos to the album: Business Business 3.
September 14, 2011 at 10:50am ·
George Palaganas's photo.
George Palaganas's photo.
George Palaganas's photo.
George Palaganas's photo.
George Palaganas's photo.
George Palaganas POSTINGS From George Palaganas at Facebook MyProfile: From George Palaganas:"It's almost Miss Universe 2011 coronation night at Sao Paolo. By this afternoon 12-Sep-2011 NGF Reset Monday(that's 13-Sep-2011 without NGF Re-SET), we will know who among the re-pageant candidates will be officially declared the winner as a RE-TITLIST! Good luck , VANESSA! http://www.missuniverse.com/members/profile/599581/year:2011 "
From George Palaganas: "Who decided the RESULTS of this years edition of Miss Universe? Here are the 16 JUDGE of the PAGENT." http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2115498333516&set=a.1555562975482.2076560.1427450153&type=1&theater
Top 5 Selections of Best in Gown (Miss Universe 2011 Cool's Choice) First: http://www.starmometer.com/.../2011/09/EG-Venezuela.jpg
Second : http://www.starmometer.com/.../uploads/2011/09/EG-Mexico.jpg
Third: http://www.starmometer.com/.../uploads/2011/09/EG-France.jpg
Fourth: http://www.starmometer.com/.../2011/09/EG-Philippines.jpg
Fifth: http://www.starmometer.com/.../uploads/2011/09/EG-Angola.jpg
First Awards: Miss Photogenic Award goes to Miss Sweden Ronnia Fornstedt http://www.missuniverse.com/members/profile/599586/year:2011
Miss Congeniality Award goes to Miss Montenegro Nikolina Loncar http://www.missuniverse.com/members/profile/599548/year:2011
missuniverse.com|By Miss Universe Organization
George Palaganas
George Palaganas From George Palaganas: http://www.livestream.com/missuniverse
Leila Lopes Puts Angola to the World Map as the first Angolan to win the title of Miss Universe after she was crowned Miss Universe 2011 at Sao Paolo Brazil on 12-August-2011! Miss Venezuela Vanessa Goncalves failed to regain her title the way Estefania Fernandez also of Venezuela and Ximena Navarette of Mexico did a successful regaining of their titles. Miss Goncalves first runner-up in the original pageant, Catalina Robayo of Colombia also failed to regain her post. Estefania Fernandez, who previously won her slot in 1998, successfully regained her title in 2009 while Ximena(Juliana) Navarette, who previously won her slot in 1995, regained her title last year(2010).Navarette's first runner-up Yendi Philips of Jamaica was on stronghold position as first runner-up both on the original pageant(1995) and the re-pageant(2010). :-)
From George Palaganas:
Shamcey Supsup of Philippines, who was only a semi-finalist in the original pageant made it as one of the top five finalists in the 2011 re-Pageant winning the third runner-up slot,a slot higher than the fourth runner-up for Ma.Venus Raj last year. Raj slipped down to that slot from the Third Runner-Up Finish by Joyce Ann Pengree,Philippines bet in the 1995 original pageant.
20 minutes ago · Like ·
From George Palaganas: Observers believed that Vanessa Goncalves failed on her re-title bid for this year's Miss Universe pageant because no one remembers the "Nicaragua brouhaha" in the mid and late 80's anymore! They are even more keen on Miss Catalina Robayo's "kita-puki mo Miss" outfit! :-)
16 minutes ago · Like
Re-POST from http://goodnewspilipinas.com/.../miss-phl-shamcey-supsup.../
Good News Pilipinas » Miss Phl Shamcey Supsup is 3rd in 2011 Miss Universe
“I would not marry the person I love because the first person I love is my God and the person loves me, he should also love my God,” that was how Suspsup answered during the question and answer portion.
Re-POST from http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/44497427/ns/today-style/...
Miss Angola Leila Lopes is crowned Miss Universe
'I'm very satisfied with the way God created me and I wouldn't change a thing,' 25-year-old business student tells judges
Miss Angola Leila Lopes is crowned Miss Universe 2011 on Monday
Andre Penner / AP
Miss Angola Leila Lopes is crowned Miss Universe 2011 by last year's winner Ximena Navarrete in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on Monday.
msnbc.com news services
updated 9/13/2011 3:22:57 AM ET
SAO PAULO — Newly crowned Miss Universe Leila Lopes hopes her victory will allow her to assist her native Angola further escape its history of war and impoverishment and said she plans to focus on combatting HIV around the globe.
Lopes, 25, laughed and smiled as she hugged runner-up Miss Ukraine Olesia Stefanko, then felt a crown placed carefully on her head after dazzling a panel of judges with her beauty and impressing them with her brain.
Speaking in a timid voice early Tuesday shortly after taking the crown in South America's largest city, the 25-year-old Lopes said that "as Miss Angola I've already done a lot to help my people."
"I've worked with various social causes. I work with poor kids, I work in the fight against HIV. I work to protect the elderly and I have to do everything that my country needs," she said. "I think now as Miss Universe I will be able to do much more."
Miss Universe 2011 on Livestream. The Miss Universe Organization, a Donald J. Trump and NBCUniversal…
George Palaganas
George Palaganas https://onlinebanking.capitalone.com/CAPI.../Enrollment.aspx Capital One Bank Opens Today 21-September-2011 at Clarkton City. Play Cityville today!
Cool Dela Peña
George Palaganas
George Palaganas
George Palaganas -----------------
Birthday: 21 June 1957
Birthplace: Manila
Baptism: 21 July 1957, Imus Cathedral
Sacerdotal Ordination: 27 February 1982
Episcopal Ordination: 12 December 2001
Grade School
St. Andrew’s School, Parañaque City
High School
St. Andrew’s School, Parañaque City
A. B. Philosophy
Ateneo de Manila University and San Jose Seminary
M. A. Theology Candidate
Loyola School of Theology and San Jose Seminary
Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S. T. L.)
The Catholic University of American, Washington, D. C.
Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S. T. D.)
The Catholic University of American, Washington D. C.
Diaconal Ordination: 18 July 1981, San Jose Seminary
Presbyteral Ordination: 27 February 1982, Imus Cathedral
Presbyteral Assignment in the Diocese of Imus:
1982-84: Associate Pastor, St. Augustine Parish, Mendez, Cavite
1982-83: Spiritual Director, Thanan ng Mabuting Pastol, Tagaytay City
1983-84: Acting Rector, Tahanan ng Mabuting Pastol, Tagaytay City
1984-85: Rector, Tahanan ng Mabuting Pastol, Tagaytay City
1992-present: Rector, Tahanan ng Mabuting Pastol, Tagaytay City
1993-2000: Member, Board of Consultors and Presbyteral Council
1993-2000: Episcopal Vicar for Religious
1993-95: Member, Diocesan Commission on the Clergy
1998-present: parish Priest, Our Lady of the Pillar Cathedral, Imus, Cavite
Other Ministries
1982-85: Instructor of Theology: San Carlos Seminary (Manila)
Loyola School of Theology (Manila)
Divine Word Seminary (Tagaytay)
1992-present: Instructor of Theology: Loyola School of Theology (Manila)
Divine Word Seminary (Tagaytay)
1992-95: Instructor of Theology: Maryhill School of Theology (Manila)
1995-present: Consultant, Catholic Bishop’s Conference of the Philippines (CBCP)
Commission on the Doctrine of Faith
Commission on Seminaries
1994-present: Facilitator, CBCP National Ongoing Formation of Priests
1995-present: Member, Editorial Board, Storia del Concilio Vaticano II, Istituto per le scienze religiose, Bologna, Italy
1995, 2000: Presentor and Member of the Drafting Committee, VI and VII Plenary Assemblies of the Federation of Asian Bishop’s Conferences (FABC)
1998: Expert, Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for Asia, Vatican City
1997-present: Member, International Tehological Commission, Vatican City
George Palaganas
George Palaganas Tagle appointed Manila archbishop
October 13, 2011, 6:32pm
MANILA, Philippines — The Vatican has appointed a staunch defender of the Catholic faith as the new patriarch of the Archdiocese of Manila, replacing retired Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales.
Rome picked Imus (Cavite) Bishop Luis Antonio Tagle to head the richest, as well as the most influential archdiocese in the Philippines, making him the 32nd archbishop of Manila.
Tagle’s selection comes at a most crucial time with the Philippine Congress deliberating on a contentious bill on reproductive health which the Catholic Church is opposing.
The appointment was officially announced in Rome at 12 noon Thursday (6 p.m. Manila time).
The Apostolic Nunciature in Manila relayed the information to the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) in a letter.
“I write to inform you that the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI has appointed His Excellency Most Reverend Luis Antonio Tagle, until now Bishop of Imus, as Archbishop of Manila,” said Monsignor Gabor Pinter, charge d’ affaires.
The outgoing Manila Cardinal Rosales was already up for retirement four years ago, when he turned 75, the mandatory age of retirement for priests and bishops.
However, the Holy See deferred Rosales’s retirement while Rome scouted for his replacement.
Rosales turned 79 last August 10 and has served as Manila Archbishop for seven years. He replaced the late Manila archbishop Jaime Cardinal Sin.
With his retirement, Cardinal Rosales said he is looking forward to going home to his home province of Batangas.
“I’m going to Batangas…other people really thought I’m from the Visayas because I speak their language,” said Rosales chuckling.
Asked of his greatest achievement, Rosales cited his encounters with various people, particularly the poor.
“I think it’s having been given the opportunity to get to know the poor more, the good-hearted people, the generous people who continuously help the Church. I thank all of them,” he said.
As the new Manila archbishop, Tagle takes over a powerful post in an archdiocese that, historically, has weighed in on national political issues.
By virtue of its ecclesiastical position, the archdiocese is arguably the most influential local church in the Philippines.
As the new head of Manila’s Roman Catholic Church, he is also likely to be named as the country’s next cardinal, just like his predecessors.
Church observers said the next Manila archbishop faces a crucial role on various socio-political issues, including the controversial Reproductive Health (RH) bill.
Sin played this role to the hilt, leading the bloodless People Power events that toppled the governments of then Presidents Ferdinand Marcos and Joseph Estrada.
But under Rosales, the influence of the Manila archdiocese was tempered, although not necessarily less belligerent.
Rosales has led public protests against the RH bill, although he has achieved minor successes in galvanizing public support, compared with Sin.
Church observers say that under Tagle, Church and State relations may improve a bit, owing to Tagle’s close ties with the Cojuangcos, President Benigno Aquino III’s relatives.
Pope names Tagle as new Manila archbishop
Posted at 10/13/2011 6:27 PM | Updated as of 10/14/2011 7:54 AM
MANILA, Philippines - Pope Benedict XVI has appointed Imus Bishop Luis Antonio Tagle, a known theologian, as the new archbishop of Manila, a CBCPNews report said Thursday.
Tagle, 54, will succeed Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales, who served the influential post for eight years.
Imus Bishop Luis Antonio Tagle. Photo from www.cbcponline.net
Archbishop-elect Tagle’s appointment was officially announced in Rome on October 13 at 12 noon (6 p.m. Manila time).
The information was officially received by the Media Office of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) Thursday in a communiqué from the Apostolic Nunciature in Manila.
“I write to inform you that the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI has appointed His Excellency Most Reverend Luis Antonio Tagle, until now Bishop of Imus, as Archbishop of Manila,” said Monsignor Gabor Pinter, Charge D’ Affaires.
Rosales, who turned 79 last August 16, earlier said that the Vatican had already accepted his resignation early this year, and that he was just waiting for his successor to be named.
Born in Manila on June 21, 1957, Tagle took his Philosophy and Theology at the Ateneo De Manila University’s San Jose Major Seminary.
He was ordained to the priesthood on February 27, 1982, at the age of 25.
From 1985 to 1992, he was sent for further studies at the Catholic University of America in Washington D.C. where he earned his Doctorate in Sacred Theology.
Since 1997, Tagle has been a member of the International Theological Commission of the Vatican. In 1998, he was an expert at the Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for Asia that took place in Rome.
On December 12, 2001, he was ordained Bishop of Imus. Since then, he has been engaged in many activities. He travels throughout the country in answer to many invitations as a speaker.
At the Synod of Bishops held in Rome in 2005, he was elected member of the post-synodal Council and assistant to Cardinal Angelo Scola, general reporter of this Synod.
Tagle is currently the chairman of the Commission on Doctrine of the Faith of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP).
No date yet has been set for the ordination and installation of the new Manila archbishop.
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George Palaganas
George Palaganas "My Dad and I wake up every morning and we are surprised that after a Decade, we can still make a difference. I won't mind if half of what they are sending him will end-up in Seattle." - Chelsea Clinton-Mezvinsky Chelsea did a short but very articulate stage rhetorics immediately before the end of the concert last night. :-) http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2217291118272&set=a.2121479363038.2113162.1427450153&type=1&theater
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