On This Day 06-September-2016 Tuesday
Forum Index \ Alumni of TSU(formerly TCT) can have discussions on this site \On This Day 06-September-2016 Tuesday
Subject: On This Day 06-September-2016 Tuesday
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- georgepalaganas
- (748 posts)
George Palaganas
Missing Facebook Posts for September 06 on the following year; 2014(2 years ago) and 2009(7 years ago).
Posts on these mentioned days must be matrixed with the Timeline/Timelines UNFAVORABLE with my current Timeline.
CURRENT Timeline Threads for “ON THIS DAY” POSTS September 06 are the years 2015, 2013,2012 ,2011 and 2010 ONLY !
Click URL to READ ON the blog of the current HASHTAGS’ SUMMARY! http://klou.tt/40jz8sx40w4k Current HASHTAGS: #OnThisDayInFacebookPostsHistory #ARBUTUSinGRANVILLE #BCTransitEndofRouteStationcirca1996 #Vancouver #VancouverPublicLibraryMARPOLEbranch #SUBWAYinGranvillecirca1996 #TORONTODominionandStarbucksinMarpoleGranvillecirca1996 #GranvilleSt7830 #AFunOnAsummerWHERE #Adelphi #WestMukilteaoBoulevard #HomeinEverettcirca2007 #JosephDelaCruz #InetrnationalTelecomWashington #BiancaFeSalindong #CindysPHOTOS REGULAR HASHTAGS: #ONTHISDAY #September05 #GeorgePalaganas #HillaryClintonforPresident2016 #COOL4Senator #PhilippineElections2022 #WordPress
Forum Index \ Alumni of TSU(formerly TCT) can
have discussions on this site \On This Day 05-September-2016 Monday
Subject: On This Day 05-September-2016 Monday Read/Reply : –/– georgepa…
George Palaganas Play MyCountry! https://apps.facebook.com/mycountryonline/…
Develop your city, transport networks and industry. A game at a whole new scale!
George Palaganas Check out blogs on my AVATAR at https://en.gravatar.com/drgeorgecaingletpalaganas
George Palaganas Get a preview of The Millennium Man THE MUSICAL for SRCS Class of 1986 PEARL Celebrations(2016) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9ngFPXwgIA
George Palaganas The Continuation of Opening Sequence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51ybp_YFo7I
I DO NOT OWN THIS SONG. Song: Mr. Roboto Artist: Styx Created by RockinBassPlayer3…
Missing Facebook Posts for September 06 on the following year; 2014(2 years ago) and 2009(7 years ago).
Posts on these mentioned days must be matrixed with the Timeline/Timelines UNFAVORABLE with my current Timeline.
CURRENT Timeline Threads for “ON THIS DAY” POSTS September 06 are the years 2015, 2013,2012 ,2011 and 2010 ONLY !
Sun, Sep 6, 2015
You became friends on Facebook with 2 people.
Fri, Sep 6, 2013
George Palaganas shared his photo.
#BankofAmerica #LasVegas #Nevada #ShawnHuggins #Hofland #S4thStreet #HugginsLawOffice #NevadaStateCorporateNetwork #P7023874014 #P2063392624 It’s Bank of America in S4th Street Las Vegas, Nevada with Shawn Huggins!
George Palaganas added 5 new photos to the album: Family Members Pictures.
Pictures of Family Members from first generations to fifth generations (late 1800’s to 2010)
George Palaganas Family Tree of Palaganas Clan http://genforum.genealogy.com/philippines/messages/2123.html
Jinky Antonis thanks tito george
George Palaganas Condolences
to the bereaved family of Jerry Lamorena.(this is for trending purpose
only. I remember Mrs. Jean Peña is talking about this already sometime
back before the turn of the new millennium). It has to be verified
further. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4306621790233&set=a.1162990481415.2026722.1427450153&type=3&theater
George Palaganas #June #Year2014 #GROUPSandLISTS #GroupPAGE #CommentsandPostings https://www.facebook.com/groups/370469913001627/ Welcome to the month of June, Year 2014! It’s good to see you all guys here again. The month of MAY GROUP page is at https://www.facebook.com/groups/257555154342418/ I hope we will all have another fruitful month of sharing and posting.
Public Group
283 Members
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George Palaganas shared his photo.
#BankofAmerica #Texas #LouisianaSt #Houston #PremierBankingDowntown #ABA111000025 #ZIP77002 #P7132967836 #GeorgePalaganas #P2063392624 It’s Bank of America Center in Houston, Premier Banking Downtown!
George Palaganas shared his photo.
#BankofAmerica #Texas #LouisianaSt #Houston #PremierBankingDowntown #ABA111000025 #ZIP77002 #P7132967836 #GeorgePalaganas #P2063392624 It’s Bank of America Center in Houston, Premier Banking Downtown!
George Palaganas shared his photo.
#BankofAmerica #Texas #LouisianaSt #Houston #PremierBankingDowntown #ABA111000025 #ZIP77002 #P7132967836 #GeorgePalaganas #P2063392624 It’s Bank of America Center in Houston, Premier Banking Downtown!
George Palaganas shared his photo.
#BankofAmerica #Texas #LouisianaSt #Houston #PremierBankingDowntown #ABA111000025 #ZIP77002 #P7132967836 #GeorgePalaganas #P2063392624 It’s Bank of America Center in Houston, Premier Banking Downtown!
George Palaganas shared a page.
· Cubao ·
#AllYearRound #Year2013 #Facebook #PostingsAndComments #Year2008 #Year2009 #Year2010 #Year2011 #Year2012 #GeorgePalaganas All Year Round Postings and Comments on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CommentsAndPostings?ref=profile
Community · 4 Likes
The September group is at https://www.facebook.com/groups/128474990583183/
George Palaganas shared his photo.
#Granville #Robson #Vancouver #Downtown #Year2013 #Year1996 #GeorgePalaganas It’s downtown Vancouver!
George Palaganas POEM Title: ROBSONTRASSE. Penned by: Cool Dela Peña https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4089130433085&set=a.4088936468236.2156950.1427450153&type=3&theater
by George C. Palaganas a.k.a. Cool Dela Peña
It came upon a mist on a rare remedy
heightened paramours so chaste in its glory
a place so charmed and ubiquitously marvelled
for talents in clusters abound.
Beauty spoken by a gait
a smiling perfection moribund in fecundity
sharp, demure, a remarkable expression
for delightfully secure in its bossom.
Artists of the highest degree and calibre
mingle and barter their secrets of the trade
a cache of recorded passion, captured in media
of something magnetic or in canvass to be gripped.
A feeling of serendipity, humongous and equipped
respect on adulation in their command has zipped
gamed innocence for tomorrow’s edifice
of embroidered duty with intricacy of a keep.
Ardour in exuberance, so wide in deliverance
steep in the penalties of consumed ignominy
not from afar was a caisoned laryngoscopy
a new breed of songs that’s so insightful so to speak.
God has never made a place so familiar
where people are people, where they want to be
while-away in bars, stride and strive,
never to be hindered of a struggle in fashion.
A soulful rendition, a skillful stroke,
the artist in voice or the artist by hands
meet in a perfect tee in a place like no other
a street so famed in cognizance of a lather.
A star has risen! A star is born!
jump on a fast track, stare on a cradle,
come and be filled with joy,
on a tin-pan alley called Robsontrasse.
by George C. Palaganas a.k.a. Cool Dela Peña
It came upon a mist on a rare remedy
heightened paramours so chaste in its glory
a place so charmed and ubiquitously marvelled
for talents in clusters abound.
Beauty spoken by a gait
a smiling perfection moribund in fecundity
sharp, demure, a remarkable expression
for delightfully secure in its bossom.
Artists of the highest degree and calibre
mingle and barter their secrets of the trade
a cache of recorded passion, captured in media
of something magnetic or in canvass to be gripped.
A feeling of serendipity, humongous and equipped
respect on adulation in their command has zipped
gamed innocence for tomorrow’s edifice
of embroidered duty with intricacy of a keep.
Ardour in exuberance, so wide in deliverance
steep in the penalties of consumed ignominy
not from afar was a caisoned laryngoscopy
a new breed of songs that’s so insightful so to speak.
God has never made a place so familiar
where people are people, where they want to be
while-away in bars, stride and strive,
never to be hindered of a struggle in fashion.
A soulful rendition, a skillful stroke,
the artist in voice or the artist by hands
meet in a perfect tee in a place like no other
a street so famed in cognizance of a lather.
A star has risen! A star is born!
jump on a fast track, stare on a cradle,
come and be filled with joy,
on a tin-pan alley called Robsontrasse.
George Palaganas POEM Title: 99 Cents Pizza Pie. Penned by: Cool Dela Peña https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4089835090701&set=a.4088936468236.2156950.1427450153&type=3&theater
99 Cents Pizza Pie
by George C. Palaganas a.k.a. Cool Dela Peña
A hop on the corner, embarking on enthusiasm
and find a pizza the size of a large china
a looney for the pizza man, another for a soda
all praise and promptnessfor an exact change to finish.
A stare on the wall, a glance on the coins
in a romantically lit shop, the eagerness replies
a fork on one hand, a table knife on another
commune with the wall graffitis and murmurs from the next table.
Approach came as a frenchman in this self-serve watering hole
the wave of a slip in exchange of a bill
discreet and with reverence, a lone some refill
empathy demands the highest on the seams.
Recovery is late on the cheezes and pepperoni
for it vanished at the speed decreed for transfer tickets
a penny on the change made me realize
I had a 99 cents pizza that’s easy on my pocket.
by George C. Palaganas a.k.a. Cool Dela Peña
A hop on the corner, embarking on enthusiasm
and find a pizza the size of a large china
a looney for the pizza man, another for a soda
all praise and promptnessfor an exact change to finish.
A stare on the wall, a glance on the coins
in a romantically lit shop, the eagerness replies
a fork on one hand, a table knife on another
commune with the wall graffitis and murmurs from the next table.
Approach came as a frenchman in this self-serve watering hole
the wave of a slip in exchange of a bill
discreet and with reverence, a lone some refill
empathy demands the highest on the seams.
Recovery is late on the cheezes and pepperoni
for it vanished at the speed decreed for transfer tickets
a penny on the change made me realize
I had a 99 cents pizza that’s easy on my pocket.
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George Palaganas shared his photo.
#Granville #Robson #Vancouver #Downtown #Year2013 #Year1996 #GeorgePalaganas It’s downtown Vancouver!
George Palaganas POEM Title: ROBSONTRASSE. Penned by: Cool Dela Peña https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4089130433085&set=a.4088936468236.2156950.1427450153&type=3&theater
George Palaganas POEM Title: 99 Cents Pizza Pie. Penned by: Cool Dela Peña https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4089835090701&set=a.4088936468236.2156950.1427450153&type=3&theater
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George Palaganas shared his photo.
#StanleyPark #Vancouver #Downtown #EnglishBAY #AFunOnAsUMMERWhere #Year2013 #Year1996 #GeorgePalaganas #BIKING #Peninsula Biking at Stanley Park!
George Palaganas POEM Title: On A Park Called STANLEY. Penned by: Cool Dela Peña https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4089855171203&set=a.4088936468236.2156950.1427450153&type=3&theater
On A Park Called Stanley
by George C. Palaganas a.k.a. Cool Dela Peña
The gallows of refreshing idleness
sleepy parchments, locquacious and evergreen
minks,racoons and squirrels, ostensibly responsive
impeccably bewitched and stalked.
Men of silence, peace and tranquility
rested astuteness in crabbing omnipotence
embrace walkways in refined rectitude
learn to kill time in savored perfection.
Trees immesurably divine
conquers the breeze from a land afar
yellow,red and magenta on fall
but definitely refoliages comes springtime.
Mammoth fishes spans for a show
lives on an aquarium, all in aglow
whistles,catcalls and earnest soar
combines refinements, lurks in a row.
Biker lanes surreptitiously marked
next to spaces for trekkers of miles
dances atuned to revelry row
ever indignant, ever decried.
Chances upon me , oh decripitly slow
on yachts around it, converges on cow
linger on and around the peninsula
with colorful sails succinctly bequested.
Half of the road and half of the scions
raise their minicas all for the damed
cups of lapiz lazuli before stone arts
crumble not for the day entwines.
Men of silence,peace and tranquility
hoist their graces in picnic fancy
for all through the day, a caviared piety
in certainty, on a park called Stanley.
by George C. Palaganas a.k.a. Cool Dela Peña
The gallows of refreshing idleness
sleepy parchments, locquacious and evergreen
minks,racoons and squirrels, ostensibly responsive
impeccably bewitched and stalked.
Men of silence, peace and tranquility
rested astuteness in crabbing omnipotence
embrace walkways in refined rectitude
learn to kill time in savored perfection.
Trees immesurably divine
conquers the breeze from a land afar
yellow,red and magenta on fall
but definitely refoliages comes springtime.
Mammoth fishes spans for a show
lives on an aquarium, all in aglow
whistles,catcalls and earnest soar
combines refinements, lurks in a row.
Biker lanes surreptitiously marked
next to spaces for trekkers of miles
dances atuned to revelry row
ever indignant, ever decried.
Chances upon me , oh decripitly slow
on yachts around it, converges on cow
linger on and around the peninsula
with colorful sails succinctly bequested.
Half of the road and half of the scions
raise their minicas all for the damed
cups of lapiz lazuli before stone arts
crumble not for the day entwines.
Men of silence,peace and tranquility
hoist their graces in picnic fancy
for all through the day, a caviared piety
in certainty, on a park called Stanley.
George Palaganas POEM Title: A Fun On A Summerwhere. Penned by: Cool Dela Peña. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4089872371633&set=a.4088936468236.2156950.1427450153&type=3&theater A
Fun On A Summer Where
by George C. Palaganas a.k.a. Cool Dela Peña
It happened one summer with a piece of junk
dusty and full of cobwebs on the corner
all it needs is to see the light of day
out from the garage for its two wheels to startle.
It started on the empty streets around the neighborhood
but none was there to notice except kids selling Kool-Aid of lemon
and from the kitchen came-out a bagful of sandwiches
for a longer trek, hug all sleep to dismantle.
Coming upon a tiny house near a dead railroad
and before arriving to an old theater in Dunbar
a hump to avoid, a downslope to throttle
on freehands till downtown I scramble.
Stopping by the roadside overlooking the English Bay
next to a girl busy with a paperback
a munch of bread, a look at the shoreline
for on the ship in large letters, Symphony of Fire it was written.
Passing by Kitsilano’s Malone restaurant
and earnest sunbathers reclining on turfs and green
off I go to nearby Jericho
a trailer by the sea is all that I find.
The slopes at UBC is a real hard climb
but the view of Wreck Beach from the top is a breath-taker
scattered floating timbers, the steepest cliff
and on your thought, a wrecked ship! from the Galeons of old time.
It was not for long before a pack of sports riders
pass before me oblivious of silence
off they go, laughing, boisterously talking
knowing at downhill, it will be all a free-wheel drive.
Then the moment has come for me to be home in Marpole
so with the junk I retrace my path to French and Granville
Pink as it is, for it was designed for a lady
but it was my ticket to a fun on a summer where.
by George C. Palaganas a.k.a. Cool Dela Peña
It happened one summer with a piece of junk
dusty and full of cobwebs on the corner
all it needs is to see the light of day
out from the garage for its two wheels to startle.
It started on the empty streets around the neighborhood
but none was there to notice except kids selling Kool-Aid of lemon
and from the kitchen came-out a bagful of sandwiches
for a longer trek, hug all sleep to dismantle.
Coming upon a tiny house near a dead railroad
and before arriving to an old theater in Dunbar
a hump to avoid, a downslope to throttle
on freehands till downtown I scramble.
Stopping by the roadside overlooking the English Bay
next to a girl busy with a paperback
a munch of bread, a look at the shoreline
for on the ship in large letters, Symphony of Fire it was written.
Passing by Kitsilano’s Malone restaurant
and earnest sunbathers reclining on turfs and green
off I go to nearby Jericho
a trailer by the sea is all that I find.
The slopes at UBC is a real hard climb
but the view of Wreck Beach from the top is a breath-taker
scattered floating timbers, the steepest cliff
and on your thought, a wrecked ship! from the Galeons of old time.
It was not for long before a pack of sports riders
pass before me oblivious of silence
off they go, laughing, boisterously talking
knowing at downhill, it will be all a free-wheel drive.
Then the moment has come for me to be home in Marpole
so with the junk I retrace my path to French and Granville
Pink as it is, for it was designed for a lady
but it was my ticket to a fun on a summer where.
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George Palaganas shared his photo.
#StanleyPark #Vancouver #Downtown #EnglishBAY #AFunOnAsUMMERWhere #Year2013 #Year1996 #GeorgePalaganas #BIKING #Peninsula Biking at Stanley Park!
George Palaganas shared his photo.
#StanleyPark #Vancouver #Downtown #EnglishBAY #AFunOnAsUMMERWhere #Year2013 #Year1996 #GeorgePalaganas #BIKING #Peninsula Biking at Stanley Park!
George Palaganas shared his photo.
#StanleyPark #Vancouver #Downtown #EnglishBAY #AFunOnAsUMMERWhere #Year2013 #Year1996 #GeorgePalaganas #BIKING #Peninsula Biking at Stanley Park!
George Palaganas shared his photo.
#DenmanPlace #Davies #Vancouver #Downtown #EnglishBAY #Denali #Year2013 #Year1996 #GeorgePalaganas #EnglishBAY It’s the corner of Davie and Denman at English Bay!
George Palaganas shared his photo.
#DenmanPlace #Davies #Vancouver #Downtown #EnglishBAY #Denali #Year2013 #Year1996 #GeorgePalaganas #BCTV It’s Denman’s Place Mall at Denman St.
George Palaganas added 8 new photos to the album: Family Members Pictures.
Pictures of Family Members from first generations to fifth generations (late 1800’s to 2010)
Thu, Sep 6, 2012
George Palaganas shared his photo.
#mset #QuezonCity #EricNazareno #LetranCalamba #GeorgePalaganas #CCPStaMesa Featured former m/set employee: ERIC NAZARENO. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1630901098888&set=a.1162984361262.2026717.1427450153&type=3&theater
Eric is a graduate of BS Computer Engineering from Central Colleges of
the Philippines. He was assigned at Letran Calamba School Year
1993-1994. He is currently in Australia.
Tue, Sep 6, 2011
Miss Universe 2011 forecast http://unonewsnet.blogspot.com/…/miss-universe-2011-officia…
unonewsnet.blogspot.com|By Juan Carlos Cordero
George Palaganas A Chat with my friend Harold Miranda on Facebook today 06-September-2011 [Harold Miranda]
[Harold Miranda]
[George Palaganas]
hi… what’s up?
[Harold Miranda]
Hey lets talk about the upcoming Miss Universe.
When it will be aired on channel 2?
[George Palaganas]
on the 13th… isn’t it?
[Harold Miranda]
Sao Paolo is on the 12th right?
And here is on 13th over channel 2?
[George Palaganas]
yup… so what are the leaks? have you got forcasts?
[Harold Miranda]
How is our bet Miss Philippines Shamcey Supsup?
[George Palaganas]
she is so Ms Estefania Fernandez semblance… so you think she can make it on top once more?
[Harold Miranda]
Really?……… wow, so do you think by copycatting Stefania Fernandez, do you think she can make it?
I think so she’s gorgeous right?
[George Palaganas]
i think so? Rumors has it that upon arriving in Sao Paolo and she is so much like estefania, the organizers said “just say hi to everyone, now”
[Harold Miranda]
Yes you right, she’s like a Venezuelan beauty.
[George Palaganas]
[Harold Miranda]
I mean, on the top intenet polls who is leading candidate?
[George Palaganas]
and on the one trying to regain her title on repeat bout, Ms.Vanessa Goncalves, do you have a current comment on her?
[Harold Miranda]
Not yet.
I have’nt seen much of the candidates yet.
[George Palaganas]
me either… no one is making much noise on Adriana Dorn of Nicaragua today unlike previously back in the late 80’s
[Harold Miranda]
[George Palaganas]
the controversy is on the formation of Nicaragua
[Harold Miranda]
I’ll just wait for the 13th here.
I cannot judge by now.
Unless I have seen more of the candidates.
[George Palaganas]
assimilated countries are not that keen yet so a candidate backed-out because of this… adding besidesshe,the candidate who backed out, is already an established actress in her country today
[Harold Miranda]
I cannot judge by now.
i will just wait on the pageant night here.
[George Palaganas]
nice… we’ll both get all surprises this 13th…
[Harold Miranda]
Yeah, I hope so.
[George Palaganas]
just give me updates if you got leaks…
[Harold Miranda]
Can we just leave the Miss Universe for now okay.
[George Palaganas]
nice talking to you today harold and I hope you will keep me posted… love you
[Harold Miranda]
I love you too.
Please do text me here okay.
I am hoping we’ll be able to see each other soon okay.
[George Palaganas]
[Harold Miranda]
[George Palaganas]
thanks also… see you! Note: Surprises on the re-pageant last year where Ximena(Juliana in 1995 pageant) Navarette won the re-title 1. Joyce Ann Pengree, who won 2nd runner up in the 1995 pageant(wearing a black gown) was replaced by Venus Raj in the re-pageant(wearing a gray bowtie inspired gown) ending up third runner-up for the Philippines.
[Harold Miranda]
[George Palaganas]
hi… what’s up?
[Harold Miranda]
Hey lets talk about the upcoming Miss Universe.
When it will be aired on channel 2?
[George Palaganas]
on the 13th… isn’t it?
[Harold Miranda]
Sao Paolo is on the 12th right?
And here is on 13th over channel 2?
[George Palaganas]
yup… so what are the leaks? have you got forcasts?
[Harold Miranda]
How is our bet Miss Philippines Shamcey Supsup?
[George Palaganas]
she is so Ms Estefania Fernandez semblance… so you think she can make it on top once more?
[Harold Miranda]
Really?……… wow, so do you think by copycatting Stefania Fernandez, do you think she can make it?
I think so she’s gorgeous right?
[George Palaganas]
i think so? Rumors has it that upon arriving in Sao Paolo and she is so much like estefania, the organizers said “just say hi to everyone, now”
[Harold Miranda]
Yes you right, she’s like a Venezuelan beauty.
[George Palaganas]
[Harold Miranda]
I mean, on the top intenet polls who is leading candidate?
[George Palaganas]
and on the one trying to regain her title on repeat bout, Ms.Vanessa Goncalves, do you have a current comment on her?
[Harold Miranda]
Not yet.
I have’nt seen much of the candidates yet.
[George Palaganas]
me either… no one is making much noise on Adriana Dorn of Nicaragua today unlike previously back in the late 80’s
[Harold Miranda]
[George Palaganas]
the controversy is on the formation of Nicaragua
[Harold Miranda]
I’ll just wait for the 13th here.
I cannot judge by now.
Unless I have seen more of the candidates.
[George Palaganas]
assimilated countries are not that keen yet so a candidate backed-out because of this… adding besidesshe,the candidate who backed out, is already an established actress in her country today
[Harold Miranda]
I cannot judge by now.
i will just wait on the pageant night here.
[George Palaganas]
nice… we’ll both get all surprises this 13th…
[Harold Miranda]
Yeah, I hope so.
[George Palaganas]
just give me updates if you got leaks…
[Harold Miranda]
Can we just leave the Miss Universe for now okay.
[George Palaganas]
nice talking to you today harold and I hope you will keep me posted… love you
[Harold Miranda]
I love you too.
Please do text me here okay.
I am hoping we’ll be able to see each other soon okay.
[George Palaganas]
[Harold Miranda]
[George Palaganas]
thanks also… see you! Note: Surprises on the re-pageant last year where Ximena(Juliana in 1995 pageant) Navarette won the re-title 1. Joyce Ann Pengree, who won 2nd runner up in the 1995 pageant(wearing a black gown) was replaced by Venus Raj in the re-pageant(wearing a gray bowtie inspired gown) ending up third runner-up for the Philippines.
George Palaganas Ricky
Lo commented on the Philippine “more than a decade drought” of top
candidate for Miss Universe adding the last time we had a real “top”
candidate after Miriam Quiambao(with her uncopied tripping-off on runway
stairs “trademark”) in 1999 was last year’s third-runner up finish.
FALSE! We have Denise Quinones who won Miss Universe in 2001(1998
actually). She was stripped off the title of Binibining Pilipinas after
she preferred to represent Puerto Rico! Her first-runner up
Zenaida(Zorayda) Ruth Andam replaced her.
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George Palaganas shared a group.
All September 2011 Comments and POSTS at Facebook by George Palaganas are at http://www.facebook.com/groups/128474990583183/
George Palaganas All Comments and POSTS for AUGUST 2011 are at http://www.facebook.com/gloriaestefan?ref=ts…
George Palaganas Birthday Celebrants for September are at http://www.facebook.com/gloriaestefan?ref=ts…
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George Palaganas added 5 new photos to the album: Paniqui South CENTRAL Elementary School Batch 1981.
Photos of all PSCES Paniqui Tarlac Batch 1981 including mentors and teachers
Vic Pontanilla Glad to see you guys! Sana magkita kita uli tayo. Just like the good old days…
George Palaganas The graduates of Paniqui South Central Elementary School Class of 1981
1.Nonatos Arce
2.Anthony Bumagat
3.Henry Caerlang
4.Jonathan Castillo
5.Fernando Espejo
6.Alejandro Gana, Jr.
7.Ferdinand Galeon
8.Omar Bien Hilario
9.Cesario Lamorena
10.Junar Mamangon
11.Gregorio Mamucod
12.Hubert Mamucod
13.Ronald Manalo
14.George Palaganas
15. Vicente Pontanilla
16.Nathaniel Sarmiento
17.Roy Sotelo
18.Arnel Villanueva
19.Tony Vitug
20.Jose Yu, Jr.
1. Catherine Antonio
2. Raquel Arada
3. Marivic Bascos
4.Elizabeth Capitly
5.Ma. Loreto H. Cruz
6.Helena Custodio
7.Jeanette Dayao 8. Edna Decena
9.Jenette Gabriel
10.Ma. Cecilia Hernandez
11.Cynthia Melba de Lara
12.Melinda Lumanlan
13.Carolyn Madamba
14.Ofelia Manalo
15.Loreta Mananquil
16.Rosa Mananquil
17.Rowena Manzano
18.Annaliza Ofrecio
19.Rachilda Myra Olonan
20.Leilani Paragas
21.Glenda Sanchez
22.Maricon Santos
23.Evangeline Sinamban
24.Mina Tolentino
25.Merilyn Toloza
26.Jennie Valix
(total:46) Note: The list is from Cynthia De Lara’s records… I had edited the list since Rachelle De Guzman was left behind in the second grade and was in grade 5 when we had graduated in elementary, her slot was given to Edna Decena(transferee when we are on second grade or third grade, walked to receive diploma on graduation day but erroneously her name was stricken-off the list… her name was inserted on her graduation program(in typewriter!) by Mrs. Sibal. ——- 9.Rachelle de Guzman
Casualties: Karina Jean Acorda, Perpetua De Aquino, Alicia Mananquil,Ernesto Rombaoa Jr.,Lilibeth Ranillo(most likely Jennie Valix on the other side),
Michael De Lara, Dennis Frank Ami(transferred to US), Adelaida Amistoso(transferred to Australia), Marilyn Tuazon(transferred to another school),
Edna Decena(wore a toga on the graduation day but not on official list), Luz Cancio, Tito Nano(transferred to another section), Frances Aquino(transferred)
1.Nonatos Arce
2.Anthony Bumagat
3.Henry Caerlang
4.Jonathan Castillo
5.Fernando Espejo
6.Alejandro Gana, Jr.
7.Ferdinand Galeon
8.Omar Bien Hilario
9.Cesario Lamorena
10.Junar Mamangon
11.Gregorio Mamucod
12.Hubert Mamucod
13.Ronald Manalo
14.George Palaganas
15. Vicente Pontanilla
16.Nathaniel Sarmiento
17.Roy Sotelo
18.Arnel Villanueva
19.Tony Vitug
20.Jose Yu, Jr.
1. Catherine Antonio
2. Raquel Arada
3. Marivic Bascos
4.Elizabeth Capitly
5.Ma. Loreto H. Cruz
6.Helena Custodio
7.Jeanette Dayao 8. Edna Decena
9.Jenette Gabriel
10.Ma. Cecilia Hernandez
11.Cynthia Melba de Lara
12.Melinda Lumanlan
13.Carolyn Madamba
14.Ofelia Manalo
15.Loreta Mananquil
16.Rosa Mananquil
17.Rowena Manzano
18.Annaliza Ofrecio
19.Rachilda Myra Olonan
20.Leilani Paragas
21.Glenda Sanchez
22.Maricon Santos
23.Evangeline Sinamban
24.Mina Tolentino
25.Merilyn Toloza
26.Jennie Valix
(total:46) Note: The list is from Cynthia De Lara’s records… I had edited the list since Rachelle De Guzman was left behind in the second grade and was in grade 5 when we had graduated in elementary, her slot was given to Edna Decena(transferee when we are on second grade or third grade, walked to receive diploma on graduation day but erroneously her name was stricken-off the list… her name was inserted on her graduation program(in typewriter!) by Mrs. Sibal. ——- 9.Rachelle de Guzman
Casualties: Karina Jean Acorda, Perpetua De Aquino, Alicia Mananquil,Ernesto Rombaoa Jr.,Lilibeth Ranillo(most likely Jennie Valix on the other side),
Michael De Lara, Dennis Frank Ami(transferred to US), Adelaida Amistoso(transferred to Australia), Marilyn Tuazon(transferred to another school),
Edna Decena(wore a toga on the graduation day but not on official list), Luz Cancio, Tito Nano(transferred to another section), Frances Aquino(transferred)
George Palaganas SECTION B (total: 44)
1.Roberto Arela, 2.Hilario Balingit, 3. Erix Capiendo, 4. Billy dela
Cruz, 5.Edwin dela Cruz, 6.Roel Dalayoan, 7.Gilbert Escobal, 8.Ruel
Fernandez, 9.Rolando Gonzales, 10.Juanito Ibay, 11.Paul Allan Isip,
12.Orlando Limos, 13.Joseph Macaraeg, 14.Jerry Manalo, 15.Arnold
Mendoza, 16.Rodrigo Navarro, 17.Wenceslao Sonza, 18.Leonardo Taaca,
19.Dante Tan, 20.Eduardo Tolentino, 21.Ernesto Vigilia, 22.Rafael Yamar
1.Liza Borja, 2.Edwinda Cabie, 3.Thelma Cabie, 4.Pauline Luz Cancio, 5.Cecile Yvonne Clarisse Cruz, 6.Gina dela Cruz, 7.Sarah Cruz, 8. Filipina Diaz, 9. Mirasol Gonzales, 10.Estelita Granil, 11.Emily Lampa, 12.Delia Manalastas, 13.Alicia Mananquil, 14.Annaliza Marquez, 15.Virginia Ofrecio, 16.Donna Olonan, 17.Fatima Quinto, 18.Teresita Santillan, 19.Marilyn Tuazon, 20.Merlita Vega, 21.Elvie Vera, 22.Juliet Yamar
October 1 at 9:47am · Like
SECTION C: (total: 40)
1.Justo Apolinario, Jr., 2.Dennis Bacarro, 3.Jerome Bacarro, 4.Edwin Capiendo, 5.Roberto Concepcion, Jr., 6.Pacifico dela Cruz, 7.Samuel Cuenca, 8.Felix David, Jr., 9.Jason Diemsen, 10.Redentor Ducusin, 11.Marcelo Exiomo, 12.Angelito Ibay, 13.Anthony Lactaotao, 14.Rogelio Lapuz, 15.Rommel Lopez, 16.Ysmael Luis, 17.Efren Mallari, 18.Bonifacio Mendoza, Jr., 19.Tito Nano, 20.Honorio Ocampo, 21.Edgardo Ofrecio, 22.Joseph Ofrecio, 23.Rolando Publico
1.Mila Bautista, 2.Rachelle Bautista, 3.Lyn Cabansag, 4.Daisy Clarin, 5.Joyce Diemsen, 6.Merlina Ignacio, 7.Rosalinda Lambino, 8.Grace de Leon, 9.Cristina Mauricio, 10.Beverly Morales, 11.Rosemarie Pablo, 12.Marites Pascua, 13.Grace Pita, 14.Emelita Soberano, 15.Serna Sumilang, 16.Corazon Valenzuela, 17.Jeanette Versoza
October 1 at 9:48am · Like
SECTION D (total: 43)
1.Arnel Abril, 2.Bernardo Acosta, 3.Ariel Bautista, 4.Ferdinand Bernal, 5.Homer Cangco, 6.Manuel Castillo, 7.Roel Cortado, 8.Cesar Cruz, 9.Michael dela Cruz, 10.Ronnie Galeon, 11.Roberto Garcia, 12.Sonny Ibay, 13.Felix Manuel, Jr., 14.Edgar Mendoza, 15.Edwin Natividad, 16.Rodolfo Pacheco, 17.Renato Pangilinan, 18.Gerardo Quizon, 19.Dante Romboa, 20.Donald Sicat, 21.Conrado Sumaoang, 22.Elizardo Tampipig, 23.Restituto Untalan, 24.Donato Valdez, 25.Joel Valdez, 26.Fernando Vinluan
1.Rosita Aguilar, 2.Elizabeth Agustin, 3.Shirley Aquino, 4.Melinda Bravo, 5.Norma Brunio, 6.Delia Calosing, 7.Gavina Concepcion, 8.Mariver Cunanan, 9.Miriam Galverio, 10.Melba Mendoza, 11.Evelyn Millo, 12.Cristina Obcena, 13.Dolores Pallasiqui, 14.Noribelle Tiangsing, 15.Virginia Tulagan, 16.Susan Villanueva, 17.Gina Vinluan
October 1 at 9:49am · Like
1.Liza Borja, 2.Edwinda Cabie, 3.Thelma Cabie, 4.Pauline Luz Cancio, 5.Cecile Yvonne Clarisse Cruz, 6.Gina dela Cruz, 7.Sarah Cruz, 8. Filipina Diaz, 9. Mirasol Gonzales, 10.Estelita Granil, 11.Emily Lampa, 12.Delia Manalastas, 13.Alicia Mananquil, 14.Annaliza Marquez, 15.Virginia Ofrecio, 16.Donna Olonan, 17.Fatima Quinto, 18.Teresita Santillan, 19.Marilyn Tuazon, 20.Merlita Vega, 21.Elvie Vera, 22.Juliet Yamar
October 1 at 9:47am · Like
SECTION C: (total: 40)
1.Justo Apolinario, Jr., 2.Dennis Bacarro, 3.Jerome Bacarro, 4.Edwin Capiendo, 5.Roberto Concepcion, Jr., 6.Pacifico dela Cruz, 7.Samuel Cuenca, 8.Felix David, Jr., 9.Jason Diemsen, 10.Redentor Ducusin, 11.Marcelo Exiomo, 12.Angelito Ibay, 13.Anthony Lactaotao, 14.Rogelio Lapuz, 15.Rommel Lopez, 16.Ysmael Luis, 17.Efren Mallari, 18.Bonifacio Mendoza, Jr., 19.Tito Nano, 20.Honorio Ocampo, 21.Edgardo Ofrecio, 22.Joseph Ofrecio, 23.Rolando Publico
1.Mila Bautista, 2.Rachelle Bautista, 3.Lyn Cabansag, 4.Daisy Clarin, 5.Joyce Diemsen, 6.Merlina Ignacio, 7.Rosalinda Lambino, 8.Grace de Leon, 9.Cristina Mauricio, 10.Beverly Morales, 11.Rosemarie Pablo, 12.Marites Pascua, 13.Grace Pita, 14.Emelita Soberano, 15.Serna Sumilang, 16.Corazon Valenzuela, 17.Jeanette Versoza
October 1 at 9:48am · Like
SECTION D (total: 43)
1.Arnel Abril, 2.Bernardo Acosta, 3.Ariel Bautista, 4.Ferdinand Bernal, 5.Homer Cangco, 6.Manuel Castillo, 7.Roel Cortado, 8.Cesar Cruz, 9.Michael dela Cruz, 10.Ronnie Galeon, 11.Roberto Garcia, 12.Sonny Ibay, 13.Felix Manuel, Jr., 14.Edgar Mendoza, 15.Edwin Natividad, 16.Rodolfo Pacheco, 17.Renato Pangilinan, 18.Gerardo Quizon, 19.Dante Romboa, 20.Donald Sicat, 21.Conrado Sumaoang, 22.Elizardo Tampipig, 23.Restituto Untalan, 24.Donato Valdez, 25.Joel Valdez, 26.Fernando Vinluan
1.Rosita Aguilar, 2.Elizabeth Agustin, 3.Shirley Aquino, 4.Melinda Bravo, 5.Norma Brunio, 6.Delia Calosing, 7.Gavina Concepcion, 8.Mariver Cunanan, 9.Miriam Galverio, 10.Melba Mendoza, 11.Evelyn Millo, 12.Cristina Obcena, 13.Dolores Pallasiqui, 14.Noribelle Tiangsing, 15.Virginia Tulagan, 16.Susan Villanueva, 17.Gina Vinluan
October 1 at 9:49am · Like
George Palaganas SECTION E (total: 40)
1.Edgar Agustin, 2.Joel Ballobar, 3.Roger Bautista, 4.Manuel Bulatao,
5.Elmer Bungay, 6.Jesus Bungay, 7.Robert Dungca, 8.Fernando Feliciano,
9.Lito Gabriel, 10.Alfredo de Guzman, 11.Roger Hilario, Jr. 12.Erwin
Ilingan, 13.Hilario Lagman, Jr., 14.Fred Lanuza, 15.Arturo Lapurga,
16.Artemio Pastor, 17.Eduardo Pigao, 18.Orlando Rosagas, 19.Von
Santiago, 20.Eduardo Sicat, 21.Jose Sinlao, 22.Solemenio de Vera,
23.Marcelo Villanueva, 24.Wilfredo Villanueva
1.Luzviminda Angco, 2.Consorcia Agustin, 3.Maria Antonio, 4.Norayda Baybay, 5.Yolanda Bugagon, 6.Merinda Dizon, 7.Ruby Flores, 8.Annabelle Garbin, 9.Evelyn Mamucod, 10.Victoria Manalo, 11.Emelyn Manuel, 12.Evelyn Obcena, 13.Rowena Ramirez, 14.Natalia Ramos, 15.Vivian Sacatani, and 16.Fatima Valdez.
Like · · Unfollow Post · October 1 at 3:42am
1.Luzviminda Angco, 2.Consorcia Agustin, 3.Maria Antonio, 4.Norayda Baybay, 5.Yolanda Bugagon, 6.Merinda Dizon, 7.Ruby Flores, 8.Annabelle Garbin, 9.Evelyn Mamucod, 10.Victoria Manalo, 11.Emelyn Manuel, 12.Evelyn Obcena, 13.Rowena Ramirez, 14.Natalia Ramos, 15.Vivian Sacatani, and 16.Fatima Valdez.
Like · · Unfollow Post · October 1 at 3:42am
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George Palaganas shared a group.
All September 2011 Comments and POSTS at Facebook by George Palaganas are at http://www.facebook.com/groups/128474990583183/
Mon, Sep 6, 2010
George Palaganas The
original name of the song duo was WhiteHouse Family back with the debut
song “Lost in Space” in 1996. Then, something happened on the way to
the White House… it(the White House) got exploded in the ” interactive
movie” Independence Day that starred Bill Pullman…LOL! So, it became
Lighthouse Family(Prospect Point). Hi to Jess, your voice
character(voip) at the end of this rendition “complements” my voip… have
you noticed it?
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmeAdemX9Mg&feature=related I had viewed several scenes of Doctor Zhivago once again.
■stereo(URL last “&fmt=18”)■ Music:Maurice
Jarre モーリス・ジャール 【director】 David Lean デイヴィッド・リーン 【cast】 Omar Sharif
オマー・シャリフ (Yuri…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KEeInCnW88 Confrontations scene
Music by Mark Snow Theme : Talitha Cumi Part. 1 http://sexy1-real-meetings.maxximum.org http://sexy2-real-meetings.maxximum.org http://videos-real-meetings.maxximum.org http://multi-rdv.maxximum.org http://www.facilannonces.com/age-de-cristal.htm http://stores.shop.ebay.fr/strange…
George Palaganas The version of “Wake-Up” Maiden instead of the “Cancer Man” is what I was looking for when I stumbled upon this at YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDZBgHBHQT8&feature=related
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That’s all for today.
9/6/2016 9:36:54 AM
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